Ngor okpala the treasure island

What can you rear in your locality? The world is hungry for more, something unique and indigenous. Be the force of change.

The world is experiencing a massive shift on the global level, for centuries people have been compensated by the hours they work. The world is moving towards  a performance-driven economy, RESULTS-driven.

That means you will be paid by how you perform or the results you produce.

Adapt to the new economy and learn to produce results for yourself and build an empire.

Invest in agriculture, agriculture and real estate is the most stable investments for the future.

Skills acquisition should be encouraged, implemented,empowering folks.

Low cost farming with maximum returns, livestock rearing, greenhouse farming, etc.

Whilst covid19 had posed a serious threat to food security and the global economy in general, analysis from a global perspective has shown agri-food sector/agricultural commodities markets proven to be resilient to the pandemic than many other sectors.

Invest in agriculture, create your own future, the perfect future.


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